The Europe Direct
Provincia della Spezia Centre
Your Gateway to the European Union
in the Government Palace of
Meet Europe
With Us
The Europe Direct Center of the Province of La Spezia carries out initiatives regarding European themes and problems: discussions, seminars, round tables and conferences take place in an annual program full of opportunities to meet Europe.
Europe Direct Provincia della Spezia Centre offers:
on EU policies, directives, programs and initiatives, through digital platforms, consultation and dissemination of information material and publications
in searching for funding and in reading community tenders and community information resources
through training courses on Europe, its financing and its policies
News and Events
“Ce l’hai un Euro?”
The podcast created by school girls and boys in La Spezia in collaboration with Radio Rogna was presented on 9th May, Europe Day.
An important opportunity to know, also taking inspiration from European Elections, their ideas on the future of Europe and its main challenges: ecological transition, immigration, artificial intelligence and the fight against misinformation and disinformation.
E’ il momento di agire insieme.
25 gennaio 2024
Iscriviti ad, una community gestita dal Parlamento europeo che mira a coinvolgere il maggior numero di persone possibile nella vita democratica dell’Europa e, in particolare, a incoraggiarle a partecipare alle elezioni europee del 2024.
Latest Events
Incontro con la scienziata Mariasole Bianco sul tema della conservazione e della salvaguardia del mare
Giochi, laboratori, spettacoli, mangia fuoco, recite, animatori, trampolieri e tanto altro ancora vi aspettano a Bolano-Borgo Incantato.
Concerto di musica antica - Verso le sinfonie di Padre Martini.
Ensemble di Musica Antica del Conservatorio. Musiche di Corelli, Vivaldi Rameau, Padre Martini.
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